10 000 Swings Kettlebell Workout: The Complete Program

10 000 Swings Kettlebell Workout

Last Updated on June 6, 2020 by Nick J-Pepe

If you have found that your training has started to stagnate, then you should consider the 10 000 Swings Kettlebell Workout.

This workout is going to challenge you, but remember that if you are not progressing, then you are regressing. You should always be looking to improve and to set new challenges and overcome them.

This workout may be hard, but you will see a rapid change in your body in just four weeks.

Program overview

In the space of just four to five weeks, you will be performing 10,000 proper kettlebell swings, split over around 20 workouts. The aim is to perform 500 swings every workout. As well as the swings, you will also be performing low-volume, basic strength exercises.

You should aim to exercise 4-5 times a week, with 2 days on, and 1 day off, before repeating. Men will be using a 24 kg kettlebell (53 pounds), with women using a 16 kg kettlebell (35 pounds).

You shouldn’t be able to perform more than the one workout a day. This is a stand-alone program, so if you find you are able to perform a second workout, then I would recommend increasing the weight of your lifts to ensure you are giving maximum effort.

Kettlebell Swings Workout

How many sets, reps, and clusters

This workout uses an undulating rep scheme that adds up to 500 reps in total per workout:

  • Set 1: 10 reps
  • Set 2: 15 reps
  • Set 3: 25 reps
  • Set 4: 50 reps

The above is a single cluster, and you will need to perform this cluster a total of 5 times. This will mean you are performing 500 reps in total. More experienced lifters should add a low-volume strength movement between each set.

The strength movements

Between each set, you should use a strength movement with low volume (use a 1-2-3 rep scheme).

The exercises I would recommend using are as follows:

  1. Press (overhead barbell press or one-arm press)
  2. Dip
  3. Goblet Squat
  4. Chin-up

You may want to consider one of the following exercises too: front squat, pistol squat, handstand push-up, wide-grip loaded pull-up, and the muscle-up.

Here is an example workout using the press as the chosen strength movement:

  • 10 Swings
  • Press 1 rep
  • 15 Swings
  • Press 2 reps
  • 25 Swings
  • Press 3 reps
  • 50 Swings
  • Rest 3-60 seconds

When choosing the weight for the strength movement, you should choose your five rep max weight. If you choose dips as your strength movement, you should perform more reps, so use a 2-3-5 rep scheme.

For those who wish to train for 5 days, you should only perform the kettlebell swings on one of the days. You can use the strength movements if you choose to train 4 days per week.

Do not be afraid to use different strength movements every workout. There is no harm in rotating between the suggested exercises, but remember only the one strength movement should be used each workout.

Rest periods between sets

For every set of 10, 15, and 25 reps, you can rest for 30-60 seconds.

You will find that the first cluster will be easy, so you won’t need much time for recovery. The later clusters will be harder, so the full 60 second rest period will be needed.

10 000 Swings Kettlebell Workout

You will likely need a rest period of 3 minutes or more when performing the sets of 50 reps. This rest period should be used to perform a “corrective,” which is when you will stretch anything that needs it.

It is likely that your hip flexors will need to be stretched. You can choose any mobility movement that you would like.

Sample Program

Day 1

  • 10 Swings
  • Press 1 rep
  • 15 Swings
  • Press 2 reps
  • 25 Swings
  • Press 3 reps
  • 50 Swings

Rest 30-60 seconds; repeat 4 more times. By the end of the workout, you’ll have completed 500 swings and 30 presses.

Day 2

  • 10 Swings
  • Dip 2 reps
  • 15 Swings
  • Dip 3 reps
  • 25 Swings
  • Dip 5 reps
  • 50 Swings

Rest 30-60 seconds; repeat 4 more times. By the end of the workout, you’ll have completed 500 swings and 50 dips.

Day 3: Off

Day 4

  • 10 Swings
  • Goblet Squat 1 rep
  • 15 Swings
  • Goblet Squat 2 reps
  • 25 Swings
  • Goblet Squat 3 reps
  • 50 Swings

Rest 30-60 seconds; repeat 4 more times. By the end of the workout, you’ll have completed 500 swings and 30 goblet squats.

Swings Kettlebell Workout

Day 5

  • 10 Swings
  • Chin-up 1 rep
  • 15 Swings
  • Chin-up 2 reps
  • 25 Swings
  • Chin-up 3 reps
  • 50 Swings

Rest 30-60 seconds; repeat 4 more times. By the end of the workout, you’ll have completed 500 swings and 30 chin-ups.

Day 6: Off

Day 7: Off

Aim for progress

To ensure progression, I would recommend that you time each workout. The aim is to be quicker with each workout.

The time for your final workout should be much quicker than the first workout.

As for the strength lifts, you should use a weight that you find challenging on the first workout but becomes easy by the final workout.

The technique for the kettlebell swing

To perform a kettlebell swing, you will be using your hips rather than your knees. This movement is not a squat, so you should be looking for a maximum bend in your hips with minimal knee bend.

You should start in a “Silverback gorilla” position. Then, slide the kettlebell back between your legs, before vigorously lifting the kettlebell by hinging deeply and snapping into a vertical plank position.

When performing the kettlebell swing, you should make sure to clench your glutes, to ensure your lats connect with your shoulders, and to make sure the kettlebell does not raise higher than shoulder height.

This exercise should be performed with a high tempo, so each rep should be aggressive and explosive.

Final thoughts

The first thing you will need to do is congratulate yourself. It is rare in today’s world for anyone to complete an exercise regime like this.

If you have followed the workout correctly, you should be in much better shape than when you started.

Your next step is to consider another workout regime to build your strength and fitness even further. I would recommend looking at the Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 strength training program.

Make sure that you read ur 100 rep challenge for conditioning, hypertrophy, and strength.

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