Best 10 Centrophenoxine Supplements Reviewed

Keira Noskowski


Last Updated on June 27, 2024 by Kaira

Centrophenoxine is a more absorbable form of DMAE that crosses the blood-brain barrier. While in the brain, it helps clean up cellular damage, including lipofuscin and beta-amyloid residue. Centrophenoxine is frequently used as a memory booster, especially with other nootropics or in combination with a brain training regimen.

​Centrophenoxine is recognized as quite a versatile nootropic, capable of potentiating greater effects when stacked with other brain supplements and smart drugs. Centrophenoxine is one of the best Choline supplements that you can use today. The Choline in the compound actually works as a precursor to Acetylcholine, which is a very strong chemical known as a neurotransmitter.​

​Animal studies have shown centrophenoxine to reduce lipofuscin in the brain over 40% (Riga, 1974). Also, in a double-blind human trial, it was also shown to significantly improve memory cognitive deficits in Alzheimer patients (Fulop, 1990).

What Is Centrophenoxine Used For

​Centrophenoxine is frequently used as a memory booster, especially with other nootropics or in combination with a brain training regimen. It falls into the category of Choline sources because it boosts acetylcholine neurotransmitter presence in the brain.

We will see that this can have a powerful impact on your intellect and even preventing memory loss with aging. Almost all Alzheimer’s treatments today use a similar pathway to promote better brain function. 

​​Centrophenoxine is recognized as quite a versatile nootropic, capable of potentiating greater effects when stacked with other brain supplements and smart drugs.​

How Does Centrophenoxine Boost Brain Power

Brainpower can be defined and measured in a number of ways. Centrophenoxine works on the brain in a number of ways, but one of the key areas it influences is working memory. If you consistently use Centrophenoxine, you can expect your working memory capacity to increase over time, thereby improving fluid intelligence scores.

​The mechanism that Centrophenoxine uses to promote memory formation itself may also have a role in boosting brainpower. ​Evidence indicates that Centrophenoxine along with a number of other Nootropic supplements can help to actually build new neurons and even synapses between neurons.

​These connections are thought to grow and develop over time, which can lead to improved overall thought and cognition. ​This can also improve the communications between neurons especially in the different hemispheres of the brain, which helps them to transmit information more efficiently and may even promote more creative thought.

How Does Centrophenoxine Enhance Memory

Centrophenoxine is one of the best Choline supplements that you can use today. The Choline in the compound actually works as a precursor to Acetylcholine, which is a very strong chemical known as a neurotransmitter. Acetylcholine is most typically associated with increased brain plasticity which means you can create new connections between neurons more easily.

It is also thought to be involved in key cognitive processes, especially memory formation and neuromuscular control. We need choline from foods that we eat in order to produce acetylcholine, but most people do not reach the recommended daily intake of 550 mg per day.

​One study published in the journal Nutrition Reviews found that only 10% of the population receives enough of this compound from their diet. ​If you are using nootropic supplements like those from the Racetam family (such as Aniracetam or Piracetam), you will likely need more than the advised intake for this supplement to ensure that you get the most out of your nootropics. 

How to Stack ​Centrophenoxine

Stacking Piracetam with Centrophenoxine or other choline sources like Alpha GPC and Citicoline is so common. 

Centrophenoxine can increase acetylcholine levels, helping to optimize thought processes like those related to memory and reasoning.

Is Centrophenoxine Safe

This supplement is very well-tolerated and safe to be used by just about any healthy adult. There is no known toxicity or drug interactions (but be sure to talk with your doctor first just to make sure). ​You can buy Centrophenoxine supplements online without a prescription and it is legal all countries as far as we know.

Many people take Centrophenoxine supplements in combination with a number of other Nootropics, especially members of the Racetam family. ​It may even make these supplements more effective when taken together than if used separately.

Written by Keira Noskowski

Keira is the co-founder of and the better half of the duo. Born in Australia, nature and simple eating are her super-powers.

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