7 Ways to Stay Fit & Healthy at Home – Facts and Myths

7 Ways to Stay Fit & Healthy at Home - Facts and Myths

Last Updated on June 27, 2024 by Kaira

The world is filled with uncertainty. Many people are currently facing unprecedented challenges that are impacting their mental and physical health. Many gym-goers are unable to hit their favorite training location, and new exercisers are exploring the power of movement.

Fortunately, you can stay fit and healthy at home with these seven tips.

Do Bodyweight Workouts

There’s a common myth that bodyweight workouts aren’t as effective as using the equipment. Not only are bodyweight workouts a powerful form of resistance training, but they’re also foundational for learning proper form and replicating daily activities.

You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars or wait for months to have equipment delivered to your house. Look up some functional bodyweight exercises on the FitGid – fitness site and use them to build a powerful at-home workout.

Try Some Online Classes

Another common myth surrounding at-home fitness is that videos and online classes are less effective than in-person classes. With modern technology, that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Many people are taking advantage of video conferencing to engage with other exercisers and get feedback from fitness professionals. Now is a fantastic time to try something new and attend an online class from the comfort of your own home.


Vary the Intensity

Don’t believe the misconception that you have to train to exhaustion every day to see progress. On the contrary, varying intensity and giving your body a break is essential for getting stronger and healthier. Adding a combination of high and low-intensity days will help you create a sustainable training plan.

There’s also a misunderstanding about what rest day means. The fact is, your body should be moving on a rest day. Go for a walk or do some gentle yoga to get your blood flowing without taxing your system.

Vary the Intensity

Focus on Basic Nutrition

You don’t need a fancy diet to make progress and get results. Focus on getting the core nutrients that your body needs. Don’t fall victim to the diets that make you restrict yourself and cut entire food groups out. If you don’t have an understanding of the basics, your fad diet won’t stick anyway.

Get a Support Buddy

Being stuck at home doesn’t mean being alone. Finding someone with similar goals and interests can improve your accountability and success. Having an accountability partner can improve your success rate by up to 95%.

If you’re unable to be in the same place, use video conferencing and check-ins to keep each other on track. Set small, daily goals, and push each other to achieve them.

Prioritize Sleep

When it comes to being fit and healthy, exercise is not the top priority. Your body does its best work while sleeping. If you are sleep deprived, your hormones will get imbalanced, thwarting your metabolism and your progress. When push comes to shove, getting decent sleep trumps exercise every time.

Create a sleep routine that supports your training efforts. If you’re a late-night scroller or early morning snoozer, put your smartphone across the room so that you can’t be tempted.

Plan Ahead

Take time each week to review your schedule and plan your nutrition and exercise for the days ahead. It’s a myth that you have to work out at the same time every day. While doing so can help create a sustainable habit, it doesn’t work for everyone’s schedule.

Planning ahead ensures you have everything you need to succeed and helps you commit to your goals.

Understanding the myths about staying healthy and fit at home is the first step toward your goals. Make small, sustainable changes to create long-lasting results.

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