8 Herbs for Sleep: Eliminate Anxiety, Calm the Soul, Sleep Deep

Keira Noskowski


Last Updated on June 27, 2024 by Kaira

It is well known that sleep is vital for the human body. It helps us recover from our daily activities and helps us “recharge your batteries.”

Sleep is a vital element for the maintaining of a good sports figure since it is known that during complete peace the muscles grow. Some herbs for sleep should be used to support the stages of deep sleep.

According to recent studies about 1/5 of the world’s population regularly suffer from insomnia. Unfortunately, the rate among Bulgarians is far higher – over 50%.

They often resort to various drugs, but without having in mind the possible side effects and risks of the possible negative consequences. Some plants have beneficial effects on our sleep.

What are the most popular, most classic ones, and how should we use them? Here are a few herbs to use so you can relax fully and naturally at night. Say “goodbye” to insomnia with the best herbs for sleep.

Herbs for Sleep

1) ​Valerian Herb for Sleep

This is a popular grassy or shrubby herb from the Caprifoliaceae family, and it is known for its sedative (calmative) properties. ​Valerian (Valeriana officinalis, Valerianaceae) has small flowers and forms flower heads.

From the roots of some of the different types, people derive essential oils for the medicine and perfumery industry. It is found mainly in the Mediterranean, in the climates with moderate or low temperatures of Eurasia, North America, and the Andes in South America.

Aside from making sleep healthy, valerian shortens its duration. Our advice for insomnia is to drink an infusion of this herb for at least four weeks every evening.

An important detail is that valerian should not be consumed more than advised. Otherwise, it will cause the opposite effect, and the nervous system will not be sedated, but overexcited.

2) ​Hops Herbs for Sleep

Hops (Humulus lupulus) is a grassy plant with a length between 3 and 6 meters. Hops are great herbs for sleep. It has a ribbed stem, covered with shortly curved prickles. On the inside of the cone-like flowers are the essential-oil glands.

It grows in damp places around shrubs and deciduous forests, mostly along rivers throughout the country, up to 1000 m of altitude. It blooms from May to August. As you know, the flowers of hops are used for brewing.

​In combination with other herbs, it acts favorably on the body for a variety of problems and diseases. Hops can be taken alone as well, but for an even better effect on the sleep, you can combine it with valerian. ​Besides the form of an infusion, it can also be taken as a powder.

3) Take ​Passiflora for Better Sleep and Anxiety

Passiflora also called “passionflower,” “passion vine,” “water lemon” and many others are kind of heat-loving vine that blooms in yellow, blue, red, and many other colors. It originates from South America. Over 500 species are known.

They reproduce by seeds and cuttings. In winter it is necessary the plant be kept warm. Passiflora acts simultaneously calming, sedative and anxiolytic, it relieves:

  • tension;
  • anxiety;
  • stress;
  • contributes to healthy sleep.

​In cases of nervousness, drink passiflora infusion three times a day, and if the problem is more serious – two cups before bedtime.

4) ​Lemon Balm: Take It with Hawthorn and Passiflora

Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) is a perennial plant of the Lamiaceae family, native to southern Europe and the Mediterranean. ​Its homeland is considered the lands around the Mediterranean.

It is cultivated in many countries of the Old Continent and North America. It reaches a height of 70-150 cm. The leaves have a slight smell of lemon. In late summer small flowers filled with nectar appear.

They attract bees, hence the name Melissa (from Greek – bee). The aroma is due to the terpenes citronellal, citronellol, citral, and geraniol. It grows in scrubs and rare forests in grassy and rocky places across the country.

Lemon balm is primarily known for its anti-spastic and digestive properties. However, it affects the sleep, restoring its healthy nature. It is recommended to combine the herb with other plants like:

  • healing lemon
  • hawthorn
  • passiflora.

5) ​Hawthorn + Valerian for Better Sleep

Hawthorn (Crataegus) is a genus of flowering plants of the Rosaceae family. It includes several species of shrubs and small trees, distributed mainly in the temperate zones of the northern hemisphere.

Hawthorn regulates the heart rate and harmonizes the biological processes. It also has a sedative effect on the central nervous system. When having sleep problems, one should drink an infusion 2 or 3 times a day for three weeks.

​The recommended combination is with valerian.

6) ​Dill

​Dill (Anethum graveolens) is an annual plant with a short life, which is used to spice up meals and as an ingredient in some medications. It has a strong aroma and sweet, stinging flavor. It also has a beneficial effect on sleep.

50 g. of dill seeds has to be cooked 15 minutes over low heat in a half-liter of red wine. ​The mixture has to rest for 1 hour; they should be filtered and settled. Drink two tablespoons before sleep.

7) ​St. John’s Wort

St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) is a type of herb from the family Clusiaceae. It is highly branched, with a bare stem, reaching a height of between 30 to 70 cm. The leaves are opposite, without footstalk, ovally elliptical, and long from 1 to 3 cm.

The flowers are yellow and are gathered at the top of the stem in a flowerhead. The stamens are many, accrete together basically in three bundles. The fruit is a box with three sections. It blooms from May to September. The popular name of the herb is the “blood of Christ.”

It is collected in full bloom around June 24 (Saint John’s Eve). In many Western countries, it is called the “The herb of St. John.” It has a soporific effect; it improves the quality of sleep (including in people suffering from insomnia and overexcitement), it causes no sensation of morning sleepiness.

You do not have to use St. John’s Wort for a long time, because its components get accumulated in the body over time. ​It should be taken in steps rather than continuously.

8) Massage with Essential Oils

​The essential oils that are recommended for sleep disturbances are from the following sources:

  • ylang-ylang;
  • jasmine;
  • lavender;
  • cedar;
  • rosewood;
  • tangerine;
  • sandalwood;
  • lemon balm;
  • vetiver;
  • grapefruit;
  • frankincense;
  • valerian;
  • oregano;
  • bergamot.

You need to put a few drops of the essential oils (for example sweet almond) in some base oil. ​Then gently massage the solar plexus and the foot arches before going to bed.

Written by Keira Noskowski

Keira is the co-founder of planculde.com and the better half of the duo. Born in Australia, nature and simple eating are her super-powers.

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