How Do SARMs Work and Should You Use Them

Nick J-Pepe


Last Updated on June 27, 2024 by Kaira

If you are hoping to shed weight, build well-defined muscles, increase endurance, or repair a work injury faster, your first thought might be to use steroids. For a long time, steroids have been found to work perfectly for many of these goals. While they can help you to achieve the masculinity you want, steroids can kill you.

Even if you survive, you might end up with underlying cardiovascular abnormalities. There is a lengthy list of adverse side effects, which is why steroids are a “No go zone.” Thankfully, you can get everything steroids offers and more safely because of SARMs.

Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) are non-toxic, so you don’t have to worry about the safety of your body while trying to improve it. If you want to build muscles, consider using SARMs. You will not only look great, but you will also experience enhanced strength, lean muscle development, and lower risk of prostate cancer.

Also, some studies show that the selective androgen receptor modulators can help rebuild bone strength. There are minimal side effects of SARMs, if any. Avoid overdosing as it might result in decreased performance.

Benefits of SARMs

The Science Behind SARMs

Just like the name suggests, the compounds work selectively on androgen receptors in the human body. That is where all the difference comes in because anabolic steroids that hit hard in all ways. SARMs work on the receptors relating to fat and muscles. Hormone receptors are chemical messengers that carry information, thus enabling your system to work harmoniously and attain peak efficiency.

Your body produces androgens, and most of them are related to male traits, specifically muscle maintenance and development. One of the best-known androgens is probably testosterone. When you use anabolic steroids, they interfere with the balance by flooding the receptors with androgens. So, you end up building muscles without any control. The process is aggressive and often attracts numerous side effects.

SARMs can be used to build muscles while maintaining harmony in the body. Interestingly, they weren’t developed for this purpose. They entered the market in the early 90s to treat muscle wasting illness and old age muscle wasting. Since they couldn’t use anabolic steroids, there was a need to have something that could achieve this more safely.

SARMs were found to be specific at targeting fat and muscles androgen receptors without adverse side effects. While research is ongoing, there is enough evidence to prove the efficacy of selective androgen receptor modulators.

Benefits of SARMs

Here is why thousands of bodybuilders from across the globe are using selective androgen receptor modulators:

  • Boost strength gains;
  • Increase lean muscle growth;
  • Enhance fat loss;
  • Improve athletic performance.

What Are the Best SARMs

How Do SARMs Work and Should You Use Them

1) Ligandrol (LGD-4033)

This is a non-steroidal SARM that you can use to increase lean muscle, maintain strength, and prevent muscle wasting. Ligandrol is taken orally and can be used by people of all ages. Since lean muscles burn more calories during a workout, the compound is also useful to individuals that wish to reach their weight loss goals while simultaneously building more defined muscles.

The popularity of LGD-4033 is attributed to the fact that it selectively binds to androgen receptors, after which it gives anabolic effects in the bones and muscles. Therefore, you will experience fewer injuries than if you were using a steroidal compound.

About the research, Ligandrol is among the most superior SARMs because its potency is close to that of steroids. Having gone through the first phase of clinical trials, you are assured of the compound’s safety.

In a study where humans took Ligandrol in ascending doses, the researchers concluded that a person could tolerate up to 22mg in a day for 14 consecutive days. The participants experienced decreased body fat and increased strength, lean mass, and general well-being.

Another benefit of using Ligandrol is that you don’t experience bloating and water retention like you would with most steroids. Therefore, your feet will feel light, and you will love what you see in the mirror.


Ligandrol has a half-life of 24 to 36 hours, implying that you can take it once in a day without worrying about any complications like some SARMs. One may also use it on an empty or full stomach with minimal differences.

Here are some dosing recommendations depending on your fitness goals:

  • Muscle gain – Take between 5mg and 10mg a day for eight weeks. Accompany the medication with heavy lifting.
  • Fat loss –Take between 3mg and 5mg of LGD-4033 daily for eight weeks. You can stack it with other SARMs like Cardarine and Andarine for optimum results. Remember to incorporate regular diet and exercise protocols in your plan.
  • Fat loss and muscle gain – Take 5 to 8mg a day for eight weeks. It’s okay for you to stack it with other SARMs to enhance the efficacy. Consider stacking Ligandrol with cardarine as the combination has been found to have excellent results. Don’t abandon weight training and cardio to achieve your goal.

The recommended period for using Ligandrol is between 8 and 12 weeks. Using it beyond 12 weeks is not advisable because it will diminish the positive results you will have experienced already.

2) Cardarine (GW-501516)

Cardarine activates muscle glucose uptake, oxidizes fatty acids, and stimulates skeletal muscle tissue. It also increases the levels of HDL cholesterol, which consequently lowers LDL cholesterol. Since HDL is labeled as “good fat” and LDL as “bad fat,” Cardarine helps with burning fat.

Initially, GW-501516 was developed to treat tumors in the colon, prostate, and breasts. By the early 2000s, it was found that the compound could also stop metabolic disorders like obesity and diabetes. Cardarine has significant benefits both in low and high doses. It’s best known for increasing endurance, decreasing body fat, and reducing recovery time.


  • As for Cardarine, the recommended dose is 10 mg a day for eight weeks. That is sufficient for increasing both aerobic and anaerobic endurance while aiding in fat loss. The max recommended dosage is 20 mg daily. If you want to improve endurance, it’s best to start with 10 mg daily.
  • If you want to enhance fat loss, go for 20 mg every day. Take the medication an hour before exercising. You should start with the minimum dosage and build up so that you don’t ambush your body.

There is no doubt that selective androgen receptor modulators are useful for an array of body goals. Whatever your plan is, you can find a way of incorporating SARMs in it. Remember that the best SARM depends on your individual needs. So, consider doing more research before settling on one.

Written by Nick J-Pepe

Nick is the founder of He's been nuts about sports since kindergarten. He practices the 80/20 rule of eating, and being the cool guy is just his DNA.

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