Best 10 Anabolic Supplements to Boost Testosterone

Best Anabolic Supplements

With this ranking, we would like to review some of the best naturally anabolic supplements on the market for building lean muscle mass.

Anabolic supplements are naturally occurring substances, that increase the levels of the muscle-building hormones such as testosterone and growth hormone.

1) Universal Nutrition Animal M-Stack

Animal M-Stak - Non-Hormonal Hard Gainers Muscle Building Stack with Energy Complex - 21 Count

What Is Animal M-Stack

Animal M-Stack is a product designed specifically for “hard gainers” by Universal Nutrition. If you are of them and you find difficulties gaining muscle, M-Stack will make it easier for you to increase your muscle mass and protein synthesis.

M-Stak is composed of several different anabolic supplements complexes, each one having a role in the increase of muscle mass.

Natural Flavones and Sterones Complex

This complex includes natural extracts, derived from various plants. There are many statements suggesting that the ingredients of this complex help build and increase muscle mass.

Anti-Catabolic Amino Complex

It contains all three BCAA amino acids - L-Valine, L-Leucine, and L-Isoleucine, as well as L-Taurine and Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALCAR). BCAA are the so-called muscle amino acids. They have several key roles – protect the muscles, stimulate muscle growth, improve muscle performance and reduce muscle fatigue. 

L-Taurine has many positive benefits but in this case, it is most important for its participation in the nerve impulses transmission. It also prevents muscle breakdown and similar to creatine, it increases the cell’s volume.

Anabolic Adaptogenic Complex

The complex also includes natural extracts from several highly potent plants:

  • Muria Puama - there is some clear evidence about Muria Puama that it positively affects the libido and equally increases sexuality in both sexes. Reduces fatigue and has a tonic effect.
  • Kudzu Extract - Kudzu has been used in Chinese medicine for hundreds of years. It is now used in a variety of herbal medications for different problems, but most importantly, it improves the blood circulation of the heart and brain.
  • Safed Musli - another plant used in medicine. It is a powerful aphrodisiac and there is evidence that it increases sexuality and libido.
  • Rhodiola Rosea – The golden root extract is a very good adaptogen that helps to adapt to stress. It has a toning effect on the muscles and nervous system.

Insulin-Enhancing Complex

This complex is designed to improve the blood sugar metabolism and for the purpose of blood to go where it belongs - in the cells. The combination of 4-Hydroxyisoleucine, banaba leaf extract, Cinnulin PF and alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) is great. Insulin is often called the most anabolic hormone in the human body. 

4-Hydroxyisoleucine has the ability to stimulate it, and the other 3 ingredients contribute to the cells to optimally use it, including the muscle cells. This is extremely important for people doing serious training aimed to increase muscle mass.

M Factor Complex

Universal Nutrition has stayed true to their principles one more time. They have once again added a complex whose main purpose is to improve the absorption of all other complexes.

Energy Complex

Since the product is taken before workouts in the training days, this complex is right on the spot. There are high doses of caffeine that will instantly rouse you and also kola nut extract, which is known for decreasing the fatigue effect.

How Would Animal M-Stak Benefits Me

Animal M-Stak contains beneficial ingredients and complexes and as already mentioned, the team of Universal Nutrition has targeted this product mainly at the “hard gainers.”

Within the product, you would find ingredients that will not only intensify the anabolic processes but will also reduce the catabolic ones. The energy formula fits great and contributes to more effective workouts. If your goal is to increase your muscle mass with Animal M-Stak, proper diet and exercises, be sure that you will achieve that.

Suggested Use

Take a pack every day for 21 straight days. On training days, take it 30-45 minutes before lifting. On off days, take it between meals. Cycle Animal M-Stak for best results—three weeks on, one week off. Repeat as needed. The entire Energy Complex (stims) is contained in the single red capsule. Remove it as you see fit.

Read our comprehensive review about Animal Pak Ultimate Foundation.

2) Universal Nutrition Animal Test

Animal Test – Testosterone Booster For Men – Arachidonic Acid, Yohimbe Bark, Trans Resveratrol, Cissus Quadrangularis – Convenient All-in-one Packs for Strength Athletes & Bodybuilders – 21 Day Cycle

What Is Animal Test

Animal Test by Universal Nutrition is a product for increasing testosterone naturally through natural ingredients from different herbs and extracts. 

  • The ultimate in legal hypertrophic, pro-testosterone supplementation.
  • Contains patented arachidonic acid and potent natural test boosters.
  • Designed to enable physique recomposition and to support a healthy libido.
  • Comes fully equipped with a combination of cutting edge anti-estrogens.

What Does Animal Test Contain

Inside Animal Test you will find 21 packets, each of which contains two major complexes. Let's have a look at them in more detail.

Pro-androgen complex:

The word pro-androgen means that it stimulates the androgens i.e. the anabolic hormones like testosterone.

  • Its first component is 3.4-Divanillyl Tetrahydrofuran. This is a substance, which is present in the plant Urtica Dioica. It has the ability to increase testosterone by preventing it from binding with a hormone called SHGB. When testosterone binds with SHGB, it becomes inactive. Therefore the Urtica Dioica extracts are commonly used among bodybuilders, who want to maintain optimum levels of bioactive testosterone.
  • The next ingredient is Cissus. It is claimed to have anti-catabolic properties and thus helps stimulate the anabolic processes. Cissus has other proven actions as an analgesic agent, it also enhances the recovery of the fracture, reduces weight and body fat and improves the health markers: total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood sugar.
  • The team from Universal has also included Resveratrol in the complex. It is a compound extracted from the grape skin and although tests have been carried out mainly on animals, they are quite impressive. It is believed that resveratrol unlocks the sports gene called SIRT 1 and as a result, it significantly improves the performance of the tested individuals in terms of metabolism rate, hormone levels, and others.
  • The next ingredient is Agaricus Bisporus or also known as white button mushroom. It has proven anti-aromatase properties and a suppressing estrogen effect. Aromatase is an enzyme that converts the excess testosterone into estrogen - that is why its suppression is very important for people aiming to increase their anabolic hormones. White mushroom is accompanied by hesperetin, which also has an anti-aromatase action.
  • And finally, Yohimbe extract. You've probably heard of it and its effects as an aphrodisiac.

Hypertrophic complex:

Anyone who aims to increase their testosterone levels is also probably seeking to increase their muscle mass. 

That is why Universal Nutrition has accordingly added two ingredients that would help that - arachidonic acid and 6,7-Dihydroxybergamottin.

  • Arachidonic acid is a polyunsaturated omega-6 fatty acid with exceptional qualities. They are proven properties for increasing the maximum stamina for a period of time and increasing the maximum strength and durability. In addition to its sports qualities, the acid boosts immunity and is a powerful antioxidant.
  • 6,7-Dihydroxybergamottin (DHB) is present in the grapefruit juice. There is evidence that DHB has a positive effect on the increase in testosterone. There is no wonder why this substance is present in many products designed to increase muscle mass.
  • Lastly - Bioperine. This is a patented brand with main ingredient piperine. It helps the absorption of nutrients and is often used in food supplements for this purpose.

How Will Animal Test Benefit Me

This anabolic supplement complex includes natural extracts, derived from various plants. There are many statements suggesting that the ingredients of this complex help build and increase muscle mass.

Suggested Use

Take a single pack every day for 21 straight days. On training days, take the pack with the last meal before you work out. On off days, just take the pack with any meal. Animal Test works best along with intense training and an increase in quality protein and calories.

Make sure you stay hydrated on this cycle. Unlike other "cycled" Animal products, you can use Animal Test for two consecutive cycles - without and "off" week for a total of 42 straight days. After this double cycle, take a full 4 weeks off. During this period, we recommend using Animal M-Stak to help preserve your lean mass gains.

3) Universal Nutrition Natural Sterol Complex

Universal Nutrition Natural Sterol Complex - 180 Tablets

What Is Natural Sterol Complex

Universal Nutrition Natural Sterol Complex is a new concentrated formula for stimulating the body.

Oral steroids or those that are injected are derivatives of testosterone, which is a highly anabolic hormone. As steroids cause many unwanted side effects, nowadays trainees avoid them and use natural substitutes such as in the Natural Sterol Complex instead.

What Does Natural Sterol Complex Contain

Natural Sterol Complex consists of 8 essential natural anabolic supplements components combined together, namely: activators stimulants with plant origin, amino acids, energetic base, essential fatty acids (EFAs), electrolytes, boosters for better results, important minerals and nucleosides.

It contains natural activators and just like the ready testosterone, which is prohibited, Natural Sterol Complex also provides anabolic effects for the increase of muscle mass.

It also contains specific sterols, which slow down the estrogen receptors and thus reduce their role i.e. testosterone remains in its form, it does not turn into estrogen.

The other ingredients of Natural Sterol Complex make this product really nutritional and assist its action for obtaining lean muscle mass. This is not a steroid product and is legal for sale.

Suggested Use

Take 6 tablets daily, 2 after each meal. On training days, take 2 tablets one-half hour before workouts and 2 tablets after two meals.

What Is ZMA

ZMA is libido and anabolic supplement that combines the power of zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B6. Zinc is present in small quantities in the human body but is of particular importance. 

It participates in the work of each cell and takes part in over 300 enzymatic reactions. The largest part of the mineral is concentrated in the bones and muscles, nails and hair. 

One of its functions, however, determines the incredible interest to it – zinc is a key regulator of the production of testosterone and testosterone is essential for strength, muscle increase and masculinity in general.

The other component in ZMA is magnesium. This is a mineral that provides a definitive anti-catabolic effect; minimizes the cortisol levels. It is also called the "stress hormone" and sometimes has an ergogenic effect.

NOW Foods ZMA synergistic effect is guaranteed by its third ingredient - vitamin B6, which facilitates the absorption of the whole complex.

What Are the Benefits of the ZMA Usage

With ZMA athletes can have a truly powerful supplement without any steroids that can stimulate the secretion of testosterone and insulin-like growth factor in full force.

These anabolic hormones are rapidly increasing strength and endurance; they shorten the recovery time and minimize the likelihood of injuries. With their help, the oxygen levels in the muscles increase. The synthesis of testosterone by the organism gets stabilized. These are things that you cannot help but appreciate.

When Is the Appropriate Time to Use ZMA

ZMA can be used both during the day and the night. In the first case, you get stimulating activity; in the second one, you get a peaceful and healthy sleep.

Suggested Use

As a dietary supplement, take 3 capsules daily (men) or 2 capsules daily (women), preferably on an empty stomach, 30 - 60 minutes before bedtime. For best results, avoid taking with dairy or other calcium-containing foods or supplements. Consider taking these other NOW products: D-Flame, Celadrin and TestoJack 100.

What Is PrimaForce ZMA

Primaforce ZMA is an effective combination of zinc, magnesium and vitamin B-6. Primaforce ZMA uses the combination of these three ingredients to ensure better recovery and regulation of the hormonal balance.

Zinc and magnesium have a positive effect on the low levels of testosterone, while the deficiency in both of the minerals is the reason for inadequate sleep and excessive fatigue.

How Does ZMA Acts

The combination of zinc aspartate and magnesium aspartate facilitates the falling asleep and also improves sleep quality. When combined with magnesium, zinc stimulates the production of the male hormone and the insulin-like growth factor. 

This synergistic formula increases the power and shortens the recovery period while reducing the risk of injuries at the same time. Zinc and magnesium increase the overall endurance, stimulate muscle mass growth and help restore the muscle tissues after intensive workouts.

When Is the Appropriate Time to Use ZMA

ZMA anabolic supplement can be used both during the day and the night. It is also used as a libido-enhancing supplement. In the first case, you get stimulating activity; in the second one, you get a peaceful and healthy sleep.

Suggested Use

As a dietary supplement, consume 1 serving on an empty stomach, approximately 30-60 minutes prior to bedtime. For best results avoid taking PrimaForce ZMA with foods or supplements containing calcium.

6) ALLMAX Nutrition D-Aspartic Acid

ALLMAX Nutrition D-Aspartic Acid, 3.53 oz (100 g)

Product Overview

ALLMAX Nutrition D-Aspartic Acid acid is a product that is suitable for people seeking a natural increase in their testosterone levels.

  • Tested for purity and potency;
  • Boosts testosterone;
  • Improves recovery;
  • Dietary supplement.

What Is ALLMAX Nutrition D-Aspartic Acid

D-Aspartic acid is one of two forms of the aspartic amino acid. Unlike the "L" form, however, the "D" form has the unique ability to increase the testosterone levels in men, thus it is in the category of the natural libido supplements and anabolics supplements.

There hasn’t been a lot of research about the D-Aspartic acid, but at the expense of that, the few tests have indicated positive results. Studies have shown a potential for up to 40% increase in testosterone levels.

Suggested Use

As a dietary supplement consume one serving (3 g) per day. Consume with breakfast or the first meal of the day.

7) Nutrex Research Labs Anabol 5

Nutrex Research Labs, Anabol 5, 120 Liquid Capsules - 2pc

General Overview of Nutrex Research Labs Anabol 5

  • Advanced formula;
  • Non-steroidal anabolic agent;
  • Muscle growth;
  • Hardness;
  • Density.

What Is Nutrex Research Labs Anabol 5

If you're looking for a strong anabolic agent that is non-steroidal in nature, Anabolic-5 is an excellent natural anabolic supplement. It's specifically designed for people that are trying to build hard, lean muscles.

This product creates an anabolic environment, which improves protein muscle synthesis. If this product is used by people that are regularly weight training, those people will see excellent results. Anabol-5 can help people to combat muscle fatigue.

The product can support the body as it works to build proteins, and it can do this without using hormones. Because Anabol-5 uses liquid capsules, you'll be able to benefit from this product right after taking it. 

Both bodybuilders and athletes have been turning to Universal Nutrition for their supplement needs for decades. The company has been around since 1977!

The integrity and honesty of this company have earned them a great deal of respect in the fitness world. All of those values are still upheld by the company today. 

What Are the Benefits of Nutrex Research Labs Anabol 5:

  • The product encourages muscle protein synthesis. 
  • It can help people to build muscles that are both lean and dense. 
  • The product is adaptogenic, which means it can help you to get more out of vigorous training sessions. 
  • Because the liquid capsules are absorbed by the body quickly, you'll be able to feel the effect of the product right away. 
  • When you purchase this product, you'll receive enough capsules for an entire month. 

How to Take Nutrex Research Labs Anabol 5

Take 2 liquid capsules twice per day. For best results take 2 liquid capsules first thing in the morning and immediately following your workout.

On non-training days take your second serving before going to bed. Anabol-5 is best used in cycles. The suggested cycle length is 12 weeks followed by a 4-week break.

9) Universal Nutrition GH Max

Universal Nutrition GH Max, Superior GH Support Formula, 180 Tablets

General Overview on Universal Nutrition GH Max:

What Is Universal Nutrition GH Max

If you're a powerlifter or bodybuilder that is struggling to make gains, GH Max may be the growth hormone (GH support formula) that you need. Growth Hormone (GH) has the ability to increase lean mass by stimulating protein synthesis and increasing nitrogen retention in muscles.

It can help people to increase their lean muscle mass. Universal Nutrition GH Max contains anabolic supplements, as well as support nutrients like ornithine and arginine.

Target your body's peak periods of GH release with GH Max. GH Max will work with your body to yield the best possible results. Universal Nutrition GH Max uses ingredients that will help you to achieve your goals.

How to Take Universal Nutrition GH Max

Take 6 tablets daily on an empty stomach. Take 4 tablets before workouts and another 2 tablets immediately before bedtime. On non-training days, take 2 tablets in the morning, 2 in the afternoon, and another 2 before bedtime.

10) MuscleTech Pro Series Muscle Builder

MuscleTech Muscle Builder Supplement with Peak ATP, Improved Muscle Building & Performance, 30 Servings (30 Capsules)

General Overview on MuscleTech Pro Series Muscle Builder:

  • America's #1 selling bodybuilding supplement brand;
  • Rapid musclebuilding formula;
  • 90% more muscle and double the strength with just 1 pill per day;
  • Advanced, university-tested anabolic formula;
  • Stack with protein for ultimate musclebuilding;
  • Based on research from a leading university;
  • 400 mg patented musclebuilder;
  • 30 day supply;
  • NutraIngredients awards 2015 winner*;
  • AM pre -1 serving in the morning or pre-workout.

What Is Muscletech Pro Series Muscle Builder

MuscleTech is currently the top bodybuilding supplement brand. MuscleTech Pro Series is a muscle-building formula, from the natural anabolic supplements category, that has real clinical results behind it.

The key ingredient it contains will allow you to boost your performance levels and strength rapidly. One study found that participants were able to gain 8.8 pounds of lean muscle over the course of 12 weeks. In contrast, the people in the placebo group were only able to gain 4.6 pounds of muscles. 

That's a massive difference in lean muscle mass. The subjects that used MuscleTech Pro Series Muscle Builder were also able to increase the thickness of their muscles and their overall strength levels. People in the placebo group were unable to achieve the same results. 

Adenosine 5'-Triphosphate Disodium

What is the key ingredient in Muscletech Pro Series Muscle Builder? It's Adenosine 5'-Triphosphate Disodium, or ATD. It is an ingredient that can enhance muscle performance and strength at the same time.

Research surrounding this particular ingredient has been incredibly positive. Studies have shown that it can increase anabolic signaling. It can also enhance blood flow and support muscle recovery. MuscleTech uses real science, which is why their products deliver the best results. 

The products that MuscleTech sells are some of the most scientifically advanced supplements on the market right now. If you want to become stronger and more athletic, this is what you need.

*The 2015 Nutraingredients Award is an award won BetaATP, a proprietary combination of PEAK ATP, found in MuscleTech Muscle Builder, and BetaTOR, found in MuscleTech Clear Muscle.

How to Take Muscletech Pro Series Muscle Builder

Take 1 serving (1 capsule) with a glass of water 30 to 45 minutes before your workout. On non-training days, take 1 serving on an empty stomach before breakfast. Do not exceed 1 servings in a 24-hour period. Read the entire label before use and follow directions provided.

Last Updated on July 10, 2024 by Kaira

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